Whether your style leans towards authentic western wear, you’re on the hunt for top-notch outdoor gear, or you crave eclectic, one-of-a-kind pieces, the Amarillo shopping scene has you covered.
While we appreciate the convenience of big-name stores, supporting local businesses is close to our hearts. They’re the backbone of our community and play a big part in keeping Amarillo’s culture vibrant and unique.
In this shopping guide, we’ll highlight some of the Amarillo shopping you don’t want to miss.
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Shopping in the Historic Route 66 District
Take a stroll through Amarillo’s Historic Route 66 District and discover the perfect mix of vintage charm and modern flair. Along this iconic strip, you’ll find a variety of local shops, from vintage boutiques like Evermore and The Nat to eclectic galleries like Lile Art Gallery. It’s the perfect spot to experience a little bit of the past and present all in one place.
The Roseberry stands out with its eclectic mix of goods curated with care, with a special emphasis on showcasing items crafted by Texan and local artisans. Find more unique treasures from retro fashion to nostalgic collectibles and oddities at Aunt Eek’s Books & Curiosities.
Established in 1997 and women-owned, Texas Ivy Antiques offers a unique blend of antiques, locally crafted items, and free visitor information, making it a must-stop destination for Route 66 enthusiasts. Head over to Time Passages to shop their curated selection of antiques and decor that will transport you to different eras.
Windswept Prairie Plants on Route 66 is a charming local plant shop that creates a haven for plant enthusiasts. Its diverse selection of greenery and expert guidance for nurturing all your future/current plant babies make it a great place to visit.
Discover many more amazing shops in the Route 66 Historic District here. Be sure to scroll down a little bit.
Wolflin Village
Wolflin Village is the premier shopping destination in the Panhandle. Indulge in the various shops from luxury furs at Marcella Furs & Leather to top-of-the-line outdoor gear and more from shops like Top Notch Outfitters or CD Sports Ski & Outdoors.
Discover quality threads at Amarillo staples such as Raffkinds, Talbots, and Purpose + Passion Boutique. View their full vendor/shop list.
Wolflin Square
Wolflin Square is home to many local boutiques and specialty item stores. Shop the latest and greatest trends at Dotsy’s Boutique and Makie Black, get fitted for the perfect running shoes at Get Fit, or shop new shoe styles at Randy’s Shoes. Discover more specialty shops in Wolflin Square.
Western Wear
Find your cowboy style in Amarillo with a variety of western wear options. From boots to hats, the shops here capture that Texas vibe, blending rugged authenticity with a touch of Lone Star flair.
Create your own kickin' boots at Beck Boots, or check out the awesome variety at spots like El OSO Western Wear, West Texas Western Store, El Rodeo Boots, Los Tres Vaqueros, or Western Leather Craft Boot Co.
And don’t miss out on the latest Western trends for women available at Get Gussied Up and West Texas Western Wear.
Other Can’t-Miss Shopping
From 6th Collective is a must-stop on your shopping journey in Amarillo. Shop over 50 local shops in one space or enjoy one of their many pop-up events.
Discover Amarillo’s urban style at sneaker and streetwear hotspots like Bomb City Kicks and Gold’N’Threadz.