Over 400 head of cattle, shown by more than 175 exhibitors, are expected to compete in the National Jr. Limousin Show & Congress in Amarillo July 9-15.

The theme of this year’s show is Yours Mine & Ours: Bringing It Together. Opening ceremonies will be Monday evening, July 11. All their events are at the Amarillo National Center on the Tri-State Fairgrounds.

The National Junior Limousin Show will start Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. with a champion named in the afternoon. In addition to showing their individual cattle, the junior competitors, all under age 21, will also be judged on communication and sales presentation skills.

The show is organized by the North American Limousin Junior Association (NALJA). This is the third time the group has brought its major junior cattle show to Amarillo (they were here in 2002 & 2009), and the group is coming back in 2013.

“This is one of the best groups we host in Amarillo. Entire families come to the show to support their son or daughter. And show management tells us that Amarillo has become one of their members’ favorite locations,” Jerry Holt, Vice President of the Amarillo CVC, says. “We always enjoy having repeat business.”

“This show is our main event of the year- it’s the highlight for these exhibitors. It’s more than a cattle show. It’s very educational. We call it our Limousin family reunion,” Bret Begert, NALF Director of Junior Activities and Show Chairman, says.

Estimated economic impact from the week’s event is about $1.5 million.


Visit the Amarillo CVC website at www.visitamarillotx.com

National Jr. Limousin Show & Congress Schedule

Monday, July 11

11 am Limousin Beef Cook-off
4 pm NALJA Annual Membership Meeting
6 pm Opening Ceremonies & Welcome Dinner

Tuesday, July 12

8 am Steer, bred and owned and Lim-Flex shows

Wednesday, July 13

8 am National Junior Limousin Show- champion selected in the afternoon.

Thursday, July 14

8 am Judging contest
11 am Quiz Bowl contest
4 pm Team Fitting contest
7 pm Sale of Sales

Friday, July 15

8 am All-American Limousin Futurity, featuring both junior and open exhibitors.
7 pm NALJA awards banquet @ Civic Center Grand Plaza

All activities are at the Tri-State Expo Complex unless otherwise noted